Stay connected to the Sheriff using this FREE app
From the Steuben County Sheriff
The Steuben County Sheriff’s Office Mobile App is free and allows you to stay connected and informed with these amazing features:
JAIL/INMATE INFO: Access general jail information, visitor hours, inmate roster, victim notification, commissary, and more.
PUSH NOTIFICATIONS: Get instant alerts on everything from traffic updates, severe weather warnings, and missing persons announcements. Your safety matters!
NEWS AND EVENTS: Stay updated with manually controlled or social media-fed articles including press releases, arrest info, news updates, and community event reminders.
SEX OFFENDERS: See a list or map of registered sex offenders in your area, with detailed information to keep you aware and informed.
ANONYMOUS TIP SUBMISSION: Be a community partner – report suspicious activity through anonymous tips.
The App is available for download in the Apple App Store and Google Play. Simply scan the QR Code in the photo to download today!