News, Politics, and Culture for the Southern Finger Lakes

"Hammondsport looking north" by Michael Rogers

Column: Problem-Reaction-Solution;  sowing totalitarian seed

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Understanding Problem-Reaction-Solution is important in questioning current global narratives

by Frederick Sinclair

Last week, the article on the designation of Carbon Dioxide (CO2), as a primary cause of global warming, prompted a deeper investigation into the basic premise,   asking what forces are driving what appears to be a frenzied reaction to global warming?  Global expense in the trillions of dollars will be allocated to accomplish goals of questionable result. A Problem-Reaction-Solution (P-R-S) manipulation is being uncovered as the force behind CO2 proposals that just don’t add up or make good sense.   

P-R-S  involves the incorporation of methods that  serve hidden interests, be they financial gain, increased power, or expanded control. The Problem; involves creation or manipulation of a crisis, to create fear and urgency. The Reaction; gets the public reactingout of fear and outrage, with mass media amplifying urgency and fueling demands for action. The Solution; is then offered by influencers in ways which empower select authorities, erode civil liberties, or transfer wealth and resources from the public to the elite. Present day global application of PRS routinely sees powerful interests framing problems, stoking public reaction and implementing pre-planned solutions that serve hidden agendas. Such efforts,  ultimately sow the seeds of Totalitarianism. Totalitarian is defined as “ relating to or advocating a political regime based on subordination of the individual to the state and strict control of all aspects of life esp. by coercive measures“.  Coersion is to “restrain, repress, compel or enforce”.

Problem: Climate change and globalwarming is resulting in rising temperatures, drought and weather disasters, costly damage to infrastructure,  threatening food security, coastal cities may flood from rising sea levels  and balance in the overall earth living environment may be affected. Costs of remediation will be in the trillions.  Reaction: CO2 is the main greenhouse gas that must be controlled at any cost. Coordinated global efforts to reduce CO2 must begin immediately. Burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas, utilized in generating of electricity and internal combustion engines, must be reduced.  Solution: A ‘Great Reset’ furthering the establishment of ‘One World Order’ will be necessary to establish and enforce international agreements aimed at saving the planet. The World Economic Forum and World Bank are already preparing a global monetary system with access to money based on a computerized control of the issuance of credit.  There will be monitoring of all expenditures and regulation of individual as well as national carbon footprints.   

The World Economic Forum recently discussed how the monitoring of your carbon footprint could be tied to your available credit line and control of your expenditures. Proposed solutions to CO2 will foster more centralized government, control of how you access and spend your money as well as intensive monitoring of your lifestyle.  Advanced telecommunications networks, already in place and utilizing artificial intelligence, will make total control of wealth and complete surveillance possible. Trillions are slated to go into the coffers of the electric vehicle industry, mining of rare earth metals, energy providers,  big wind, solar manufacturers and elite insider investors, and that, is only the tip of the iceberg.

Understanding Problem-Reaction-Solution is important in questioning current global narratives and proposed actions. Who stands to benefit in finances and power ?  How is public perception being manipulated?  Caring for our environment is a high priority but the application of healthy skepticism and critical thinking can help insure the implementation of policies, actions and expenditures that effectively protect our environment and personal freedoms.

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