News, Politics, and Culture for the Southern Finger Lakes

Trini E. Ross: Celebrating Pride Week with civil rights for all

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From The United States Attorney Trine E. Ross, photo from Buffalo Pride Week

BUFFALO, N.Y. – June 1, 2024, marks the beginning of Pride Month in the U.S. and June 2, 2024, begins Pride Week in the cities of Buffalo, Rochester, and Elmira, in the Western District of New York, celebrating members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) community.

As Pride Month/Week get underway, U.S. Attorney Trini E. Ross is reminding the public that all members of our community are protected under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

“As U.S. Attorney, I take very seriously any violation of an individual’s civil rights, including members of the LGBTQ community,” said U.S. Attorney Ross” “Since becoming U.S. Attorney, I have increased resources in the Western District of New York, including appointing three Assistant U.S. Attorneys to work on civil rights cases in the district. These AUSAs, as well as support staff members, engage with the community to increase awareness of civil rights and investigate any violations.”  

The Library of Congress states, “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month is currently celebrated each year in the month of June to honor the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan.” The Stonewall Uprising was a series of protests fighting for the rights of the LGBTQ community.

As the community celebrates, our FBI partners encourage vigilance:,LGBTQIA%2B%20events%20during%20Pride%20Month

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