News, Politics, and Culture for the Southern Finger Lakes

Column: Bitten

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Exploring the secret history of Lyme Disease and biological weapons

by Frederick Sinclair

The title of this article and supporting documentation is borrowed from the book based on real life experiences of author  Kris Newby titled; BITTEN The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons. Kris Newby is an award winning science writer at Stanford University who also produced the Lyme disease documentary “Under Our Skin” which earned a semifinalist Oscar nomination. Newby has also been a technology writer for Apple and other Silicon Valley companies.  Lyme disease is born by ticks, primarily involving the bacterium Borrelia bergerdorferi, although the very dangerous infectious agents Babesia and Bartonella can also be introduced when bitten by ticks. It was while vacationing on Martha’s Vinyard that Newby and her husband were both bitten by ticks. A few days later they both embarked on a several-year-long journey of debilitating disease, failed diagnosis and international cold war intrigue.

It was several decades ago when I became aware that dangerous illness could be brought on by tick bites. The deer population was initially identified as the primary carrier of the deer tick, with a ‘bulls eye’ rash surrounding the bite. Over time, more information sources revealed that there are several varieties of ticks catching rides on various hosts and also perching on vegetation. The site of the bite and or a ‘bulls eye’ rash is not always present or obvious. There is current research indicating possible transmission via certain mosquitoes and fleas.

 Different tick varieties differ significantly in size before and after feeding.  Lyme ‘arthritis’ was first identified as a disease outbreak in 1968 in Lyme Connecticut. There were three tick-borne diseases sickening people in the area ; bacterial Lyme and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever as well as parasitic Babesiosis.  It was in 1981 that Willy Burgdorfer identified the specific corkscrew shaped bacterium (spirochete) that we now know as Lyme disease.  Successful diagnosis by experienced specialists using specialized blood analysis and early antibiotic treatment is essential in interception of Lyme and other tick-born disease.

In the summer of 2002 Newby encountered the blind eight legged, poppy seed sized tick. Ticks experience the world through forelegs raised up high.  Sensory bristles detect temperature change, humidity, ammonia in sweat and carbon dioxide in breath. It can go for months on the tip of a blade of grass waiting for its prey then sensors sound the alert and waving claws emit a sticky oozing substance to assist in sticking to the host.  

BITTEN author Newby and her husband suffered repeated misdiagnosis and did get some temporary relief through antibiotic treatments, but the symptoms of  fever, debilitating brain fog,  muscle aches and paralysis, repeatedly returned.  After a year, 10 doctors and $60,000 in medical expenses, they finally found a specialist in Lyme treatment. A successful 5 year treatment regimen has brought them back to health. The Lyme and other bacterial infections had the uncanny ability to mask diagnostic identifying antibody indicators of its presence.  Varying symptoms defy diagnosis and the infectious agents hide to avoid detection and treatment. Newby was determined to get at the bottom of this mysteriously illusive disease. Investigations led her to Willy Burgdorfer who had pinned down the spirochete which now bears his name Borrelia-burgerdorferi.  Willy Burgerdorfer was now elderly and his health was failing. He remorsefully revealed a very disturbing truth to Newby. The book reveals the story of a decades long involvement in the US, Swiss and Russian development of tick born diseases as biological weapons. Government sponsored testing of delivery mechanisms occurred, involving exposure of the public in the USA and in other countries. “According to Willy, the Lyme disease outbreak was somehow related to a bioweapons release”.

A brief article such as this cannot do the book BITTEN justice but I can assure readers that this is a book worth reading. I cannot emphasize enough, the importance of checking for ticks in this area. We are experiencing a marked increase of ticks being removed from dogs and people. The open winter and early spring warming will support increased tick populations. We use a veterinarian provided inexpensive small plastic device, with a narrow slot, to secure the tick body. It enables you to twist, dislodge and easily remove the body and head safely and in one piece. Speak with a knowledgeable doctor or vet. about careful removal and disinfection. Consider sending the entire tick to TICK CHECK at This lab can examine the tick blood for several infectious agents. It behooves us all to become well informed so we can avoid exposure and or act accordingly.

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