News, Politics, and Culture for the Southern Finger Lakes

CO2: Life supporting gas or demon of extinction ?

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Is carbon dioxide the cause or result of global warming ?

A column by Frederick Sinclair

For as long as history has recorded the biology of nature and man, carbon dioxide (CO2) has been considered a gas that supports life. We breath in air containing life giving oxygen (O2) and exhaust air containing CO2 which is utilized by plants to sustain their biological processes and in turn they exhaust oxygen, renewing the air we breath. Both the oxygen and carbon cycles involve CO2 as an essential component of natures’ life sustaining process. However, rising temperatures within the earths’ atmosphere, along with rapidly changing weather patterns and their attendant disasters, have set mankind into a panic which is wrongfully scapegoating CO2 as the primary cause of climate change. Trillions of dollars from humanity’s coffers are being siphoned off to reduce atmospheric CO2 with   tracking of our personal carbon footprints not far off.  Credentialed climatologists and analysts are taking a hard look at the multiple vectors affecting climate change and are questioning the unbalanced focus on CO2. Environmental watchdogs are barking at the channeling of trillions into a new global agenda that is capitalizing the demonization of CO2.

Edwin Berry, a physicist and certified consulting meteorologist has called the Royal Society’s position on CO2 “pure junk science.” “ CO2 does not cause global warming. Global warming causes more CO2.” Ian Clark from the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Ottawa says that “ if all greenhouse gas emissions ceased today, the earth would continue warming but not because of CO2, because temperature doesn’t follow CO2, CO2 follows temperature, which, itself, is due to solar activity.” Clark, in researching the paleo-climatology of tree rings, ice cores and water throughout earth’s history,  identifies great temperature variations caused by solar radiation hitting the earth during celestial events. Clark states that every 1,000 years or so these fluctuations occur due to solar activity with solar driving the climate. Different earth orbiting patterns affect solar input with enormous changes during ice ages and interglacial periods. CO2 gets very low during glaciations and very high during the interglacials which is what we are in now. “that gives the appearance that CO2 is driving the climate but it’s actually following climate change and  lags by about 800 years.” The purely scientific interpretation of data, regarding our present climate situation, is revealing a totally different reality of what is causing climate change than the United Nations and Paris Accord treaties are based on. Clark says “Anybody who’s a climate realist recognizes that the money we’re spending on mitigation –where we think we are turning back the CO2 thermostat, or trying to save the world 1.5 degrees of warming – knows it’s a fantasy. There is no way we will affect climate with what we’re doing.”

The United Nations Conference on Trade and development estimates that from 2023 to 2030 adopted climate change sustainable development goals will cost, each person in the US, $2,000 a year, with a total global price tag equaling about 5.5 trillion dollars per year. Projections of future climate financing needs from 2030 to 2050 is more than 10 trillion dollars each year. The US government initiated 6 billion dollars in new investments under the 2023 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) after a 369 billion IRA appropriation in 2022. It “confronts the climate crisis and strengthens our economic and energy security.” says a high government official. And so, we see the response to climate change, and global warming, being launched globally with a scientifically unsound focus on the control of atmospheric CO2 levels.   Trillions of dollars are being dedicated to finance multi billion dollar startup industries and remediation efforts which, in many cases, will increase CO2 emissions, introduce additional environmental pollutants, threaten public health and safety, and in the end will not meet any CO2 reduction or global warming goals, which are questionable to begin with.  

Carbon Dioxide, is without a doubt, an essential life giving gas fueling the carbon and oxygen cycles in nature. In next weeks’ article we will ‘follow the money’ down the rabbit hole; to further investigate the who, why and how solutions to valid global warming and climate change programs are being hijacked? 


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