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temperature icon 23°F
Humidity 95 %
Pressure 1010 mb
Wind 7 mph
Wind Gust Wind Gust: 9 mph
Clouds Clouds: 100%
Visibility Visibility: 0.124 km
Sunrise Sunrise: 7:16 am
Sunset Sunset: 5:33 pm

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NY Landquest For Sale: Remote cabin could be your future “farmette”, see the GALLERY

This country property includes a cabin, barn, and storage shed on 6.2 acres located in Andover NY, Allegany County

Turn off the paved road and take the drive that leads through the wooded portion of the property to an established campsite that is 300 ft. off the road. The campsite is surrounded by trees with an existing camper hook-up overlooking the hayfield. Next to the campsite is a log-style storage building with a concrete floor and a metal roof.

The cabin was built in 2021 and is nestled in the northwest corner of the property amongst a small patch of pine trees. It is equipped with electricity, a kitchenette, and a full bathroom. The cabin has all the amenities for a comfortable weekend retreat. More storage is provided by a large barn that was built in 2020 and includes electricity and a loft for hay. A portion of the open ground has existing fencing and a small drainage that provides water for the owner’s cattle.

A great rural location to just escape for the weekend or establish a farmette of your own with the large barn, pasture, and hayfield. Additional farming equipment is available. Camper is not included in the sale.

Priced to sell for $59,900. Contact Dan Heisey 607-661-0029 for more information.

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