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Confronting the Lyme Disease Pandemic; the time has come !

Lyme disease may be the greatest masquerader

a COLUMN By Frederick Sinclair, pictured is the black-legged tick

Lyme disease is now affecting an estimated 500,000 Americans yearly with up to 2 million suffering debilitating aftereffects. There are currently more cases of Lyme  Disease than HIV and Breast Cancer combined and it is time for it to be seen as more than a “quiet epidemic” and treated as a Pandemic. There is much controversy in the medical community due to the difficulties in diagnosing and successfully treating the associated bacterial spirochete Borrelia Bergerdorfi. As the result of research at Johns Hopkins University, DR. Ying Zang concludes:          

“We’re dealing with a very unique situation here. The current Lyme antibiotic treatments do not completely eradicate Borrelia bacteria.” and it has the ability to mimic other conditions.” Lyme specialist Dr Richard Horrowitz announced   

“Lyme disease may be the greatest masquerader of the 1980s and 90s, in that it can do almost anything… The most common misdiagnosis that I see in my practice are people who have been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome,, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis is a big one also  patients who have dementia and Alzheimer’s. Lyme can imitate all of these different diseases.”

Conventional tests for Lyme disease are unreliable, particularly in later stages of the disease. There is contentious debate in the medical community about how to diagnose and treat the disease. Although short courses of antibiotic treatment can be effective on immediate symptoms, there is the possibility of the spirochete going dormant and reemerging from hard shelled seed, protected from antibiotics, and released by dying spirochetes. Observation of the spirochete via electron microscopic imaging has identified this lifecycle of Lyme.  It has also been observed that the Lyme spirochete (corkscrew like parasite) moving throughout the body and blood stream can swim many times faster than white blood cells that chase after them during the bodily immune response.  Prominent Duke University cancer researcher and Lyme disease patient himself, Dr. Neil Specter, struggled for years to get properly diagnosed and nearly died from Lyme-induced heart failure. He summed up his struggle stating “ With all these unknowns, there is one known and that’s that people are falling through the cracks of the medical system. The burden should not be on people who are sick to prove they’re sick. It should be on us as medical professionals, to better understand what’s going on and to help them.”

Current research into Lyme disease includes revolutionary imaging techniques that definitively show the presence of Borrelia in the body.  Dr. Spector has exclaimed “ This is it… Good science will trump bad behavior. And when that change happens, hopefully, it won’t be just at the level of clinical practice, but it will be public policy, it’ll be insurance coverage, and all other injustices that have been perpetuated will fall be the wayside.”

Although this reporter submitted a previous Sun article on Lyme disease titled Bitten, a recent analysis by Dr Joseph Mercola entitled Lyme disease – The Quiet Epidemic , brings forward the most recent advances in Lyme disease diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Mercola’s paper has inspired and contributed greatly to this second Sun article on Lyme Disease and can be read in it’s entirety at :

Dr Dietrich Klinghardt, who has practiced medicine in the US for over 35 years, is one of the leading authorities on the treatment of Lyme disease and his diagnostic imaging advances as well as treatment protocol can be seen in a YouTube  video in which he outlines his biological treatment approach to chronic Lyme disease that has successfully restored health to hundreds of patients.  Dr. Klinghardt’s video titled The Revolutionary Biological Approach to Chronic Lyme Disease is a ‘must see’ and can be accessed at:

Fred Sinclair writes a weekly column from Alfred Station NY, you can reach him anytime via email,